Yucatan and Campeche
À partir de 1.456 €

Yucatan and Campeche

Forfait vacances
créé: mercredi 16 octobre 2024
Ref ID: 4054722
prix par personne À partir de
1.456 €
Basé sur 2 adultes
2.912 €
Prix ​​total
créé: mercredi 16 octobre 2024
Plus d’images (2)

Day 1: Cancun

Arrival at Cancun International Airport. Transfer to the hotel Fairfield Cancun Downtown or similar. Overnight stay.

Day 2: Valladolid

Cancún - Tulum - Cenote - Valladolid
After breakfast departure from the hotel in a southerly direction. Visit to the archaeological site of Tulum, famous for being the only Mayan city built on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. Continuation to Valladolid, stop for lunch and a visit to a cenote. In the afternoon, visit of the colonial town of Valladolid. Overnight stay at the hotel Meson del Marques or similar.

Day 3: Uxmal

Valladolid - Kabah - Uxmal
Breakfast and departure for Uxmal, passing through picturesque villages. First stop at the archaeological site of Kabah. Lunch in a local restaurant, in the afternoon arrival at Uxmal Resort Maya or similar. Overnight stay.

Day 4: Campeche

Uxmal - Campeche
Breakfast and departure for the site of Uxmal: together with Palenque and Chichen Itza, it represents the apogee of the Maya civilisation; the complex, founded and completed between 600 and 950 AD, is rich in temples, pyramids and splendid palaces, the latter with facades decorated with wonderful stucco friezes. Continuation to Campeche, lunch in a local restaurant and orientation tour of the city. Overnight stay at the Francis Drake Hotel or similar.

Day 5: Merida

Campeche - Celestun - Merida
Breakfast and departure to Celestún, a natural reserve with its famous mangroves and pink flamingos. After the excursion by boat, lunch at a local restaurant. Continuation to Merida, famous as the White City and visit of the Zócalo, the Cathedral, the palace of government, the municipal palace and the House of Montejo. Accommodation at the Mision de Fray Diego Hotel or similar.

Day 6:

Merida - Chichen Itza - Cenote Chukum - Riviera Maya o Cancun
Breakfast and departure from Merida to Chichen Itza, the Mayan capital of Yucatán, where you can admire world-famous ruins such as the Pyramid of Kukulkan. Lunch in a restaurant, afterwards visit of the cenote Chukum and departure for the Riviera Maya with accommodation on arrival in the chosen hotel (not included).

Possibility of adding a sea extension at the end of the tour.

prix par personne À partir de
1.456 €
Basé sur 2 adultes
2.912 €
Prix ​​total
Réservez directement sans modifications
Résumé du voyage
2 Adultes
nuits 5
Cette idée inclut
Destinations 5
Hébergement 5
Tours 1
Résumé de la tournée
Langues du guide
- 5 notti sistemazione in hotels indicati o similari (4 stelle)
- Colazione giornaliera in tutti gli hotels
- 5 pranzi in ristoranti locali
- Tasse e servizio negli pranzi inclusi nel programma
- Trasporto in pulmino con aria condizionata
- Guida di lingua italiana
- Ingresso ai siti archeologici e musei menzionati nel programma
- Assistenza nostro staff italiano durante il soggiorno mare
- Facchinaggio
- Tutte le cene e i pasti non menzionati nel programma
- Bevande ed extras personali negli hotels e nei ristoranti
- Mance ad autisti e guide
- Assicurazione
Mesures d’adaptation prévues
- Faifield Cancun Downtown
- Meson del Marques Hotel
- Uxmal Resort Maya
- Francis Drake Hotel
- Mision de Fray DIego Hotel

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